04/19/23 04:33AM
"Thiccness" has gone too far.
I enjoy "thicc" girls with a huge ass as much as the next guy, but it's getting ridiculous how low our beauty standards have sunk. Feels like if a chick has a huge ass everything else can just be busted in a lot of videos. Busted face, shitty hair, lumpy fat body, etc. It's gross.

Makes me nostalgic for old-school pornstars. Chicks who were fit af with bolt-on tits.

Austin Kincaid realbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=683108
Lanny Barbie realbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=635946
Mindy Main realbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=750040
Puma Swede realbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=392224

That's what I grew up on, but nowadays a lot of these Onlyfans models and amatuer pornstars look like people who should be rolling around Wal-Mart on a scooter...not making pornographic content. Anyone else feel like this?
04/20/23 01:42AM
Cry about it :)
04/20/23 09:07AM
You like balloon tits and we like a little bit of chonk on the right areas. What's there to argue about. Taste is subjective. Keep to your own lane and you won't be that bothered.
04/20/23 07:01PM
^ This guy just said a based
04/21/23 03:03PM
I only like natural thickness
Because the natural part of it makes it look hotter than whatever the fuck plastic surgery does nowadays
04/27/23 05:31PM
Yeah can’t agree with this post, I like fat girls and never liked the fake tits on a stick look but to each their own.
06/18/23 11:50PM
natural bodies are the sexiest, fat or skinny.

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